Early this week Oracle announced the next version of Java Java 16.(March 2021)
While people (mainly developers) have not been a huge fan of java's version number recently and obviously the reason for the same is the rise of OpenJDK.
Should I use OpenJDK or Oracle JDK??
As everything else in this earth, this too has 2 sides while choosing which JDK will benefit you. And there is no correct or best answer for this choice !!
Oracle has been releasing a newer version of JDK every 6 months (previously it was every 2 years till JDK 10) and LTS (Long Term Support) version is not as frequently as this release cycle (3 years release cycle).
As defined by Oracle the last "free" version is still JDK 8, that too will no more be updated (officially stopped by December 2020).
While there is no doubt why OPENJDK is rising! It's FREE & OPEN . OpenJDK too have a release of 6 months.
One major reason for this rise is after the announcement of Oracle starting to charge for Java 8 License, back in 2019.
Let's start with analysing each perspective:
In terms of JVM performance Oracle JDK stands out.
OpenJDK can score more in this category as it is build on top of Oracle JDK but not by all vendors.
Free always comes first when cost is a factor of consideration.
Enterprise level support is provided with utmost importance as you are a valuable customer while using Oracle JDK, and there is a open JDK to back you up while using Open JDK.
TOOLS like Android Studio & IntelliJ prefers Oracle JDK over Open JDK.
Garbage Collection, one of the major feature of Java. Good JC options are provided by Oracle JDK when compared to Open JDK.
There are other JDK implementations too, free as well as proprietary.
The choice on JDK depends on the requirement. In case of educational purposes currently Oracle Java 8 JDK will be a good choice but as Java is growing and undergoing huge changes Open JDK will dominate consider the free & open point.
In case of enterprise, the choice will take sides depending on the factors like cost and time.
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