Coffee with Snake
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Combing two languages in the same program is not a strange manifestation, yet not common.
Both Java and Python are object-oriented languages, where the former is a system programming language and the latter is a scripting language which makes them quite a good pair.
My initial thoughts on the integration of two languages in the same program were when I considered rewriting those components where performance is critical for the application or when quick development was required. One of the key reasons for using Python together with Java is its ease to use and learn feature, which is an added value for experimental works.
For instance, while dealing with text parsing and manipulation, Python would be a great choice once we have development time as a factor of consideration, or considering the upcoming of AI, both these languages are offering tons of libraries ranging from text tokenization to plotting of data, and a perfect mix and match will sure create a masterpiece application.
Java’s execution performance makes it apt for enterprise applications and Python is quite famous for its powerful libraries like NumPy, scipy, matplotlib, etc, and ease of learning. Integration of Java with Python can help us utilize some important features such as simple syntax, rich data types, and rapid application development in Java code.
Integration of these two languages is not an easy task yet not a herculean one.
One easy approach for using these languages together is using the Python scripts in Java code. Another approach is using Python + Java integration tools. Currently, the industry offers is a bunch of technologies such as Jython, jpype and Py4J.
Even IDEs such as Eclipse facilities a platform that unities these languages, Pydev and AnalysisRPC are the best examples for this.
Integration tools and other technologies have been evolving as it applies in data science areas or other areas where data exchange between applications are necessary are increasing.
Real-World Examples of Java and Python integration
Jython is one of the most common as well as stable integration tools available. It's a JVM implementation of Python.
Bea WebLogic Bea (now Oracle) WebLogic is a J2EE Application Server. Jython is the official scripting platform for this server, since at least version 8.1.
IBM WebSphere Application Server IBM's WebSphere Application Server is the foundation of the IBM WebSphere software platform. Jython has been included as the administrative scripting language for several releases, and as of the latest release (6.1) it has become the default administrative scripting language.
Data Science applications such as DAWN are been used together with Pydev and AnalysisRPC for overcoming the challenges such as high throughput.
Well, if you are not a big fan of any integration tools that can bind these languages together in a single program, still then they can co-exist! Start your prototype in Python and once everything is signed off switch the implementation to Java, as Python is famous for its less development time and that's what we need when deadlines matter.
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
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