Be a Java Debugger

"Debugger" Java Developer" inside json parser " + json.toString());
System.out.println("response "+gson.toJson(reponse));
Printing tons of sysout onto your console and checking the values of various attributes to resolve certain bugs ?! Sounds familiar! 

Debugging is the perfect choice in those situations.

Not always we can fix the issues and fixes by just checking the logs or by going through the conventional ways. That's where debugging can give you an extra hand.

Choosing the right IDE which helps you to easily enable debugging and connect to your application is key.

Different IDEs have different ways to enable debuggers. 
For example: enabling debugging in Eclipse to debug an application that runs on Tomcat is quite different from an in-house application.
Reference: here

JPDA : Java Platform Debugger Architecture 

Even when your target application is not hosted in your local or if the target application hosted system doesn't have suitable resources for debugging, Remote Debugger is there!

Debugging a Java Application that has a frontend written on JavaScript, can be really simple. For instance, you are debugging a frontend issue, in that case, you don't even need an IDE, your browser is the best tool you got!
Reference: here


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